Why we are here Imagine a world where anyone will simply learn how to do Anything. A world where access to comprehensive step-by-s...
Why we are here
Imagine a world where anyone will simply learn how to do
Anything. A world where access to comprehensive step-by-step directions in
Multiple languages allow billions of people to enhance their lives, in each
Ordinary and extraordinary ways that. That’s the world we want to create.
At YesHow2, a community of knowledge is collaborating with
Create this world. We're driven by a shared passion to create a high-quality
Collection of how-to guides. We keep rising each article until we think it's
Become the single most useful set of step-by-step instructions available on
That topic anywhere.
While we recognize that this a ambitious goal will we take
Years to accomplish, we take pleasure in knowing that we have already helped millions
Of people every day.
What we do
YesHow2 is a collaborative effort to create the world's most
Helpful how-to guides. Like Wikipedia, YesHow2 is that anyone will write or
Edit a page on the site. Thousands of people from everywhere the world have
collaboratively written 160,623 how-to articles.
We are currently building versions of YesHow2 in English,
Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, and Dutch. We tend to hope for
Eventually launch YesHow2 in many other different languages in time.
Who we are
A vibrant volunteer community of writers and editors from dozens of countries form the core of YesHow2. Everyone who contributes to YesHow2 does it because it's a fun. Other common reasons people's contribute include the desire to help others, the joy of a collaborating on something larger than any an individual could achieve independently, the thrill of being a read by a very high audience, and the desire to build real world skills like writing and leadership.
YesHow2 founder, M. Naresh Kumar and a small paid staff of full time employees help keep YesHow2 moving forward. Our headquarters in town Hyderabad.
YesHow2 founder, M. Naresh Kumar and a small paid staff of full time employees help keep YesHow2 moving forward. Our headquarters in town Hyderabad.
How YesHow2 Works
Because YesHow2 is editable by anyone and our content
Changes every day. Each edit is seen on our list of Recent Changes, which gets
Reviewed a constantly. Volunteer recent changes a patrols quickly revert
Poor edits. At several other quality control tools work together to make sure
Each article improves over time, as more and additional people contribute their
Unique knowledge and skills.
We share our instructions freely via a creative Commons
A license that allows YesHow2's to be republished by any organization or person
For at any non-commercial purpose. We also freely share all our open source
We consider ourselves a hybrid organization and for-profit
A company focused on creating a global public good in accordance with our
Mission. We support ourselves a financially by showing an optional advertising.
Yet, we do not think that ads should be shoved down your throat. We allow
Anyone to opt-out of ads on YesHow2 by clicking "hide ads" on the
Right navigation of any article or by simply registering an account to join our
Editor community.
Explanation of terms
1. ↑ A knowledge giver is someone who freely sharing, organizes, creates, or improves information with the intent of helping others.
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